My overarching banner is to Strengthen Families – to help everyone understand each other and to find ways to live optimally together.
In an ever changing and pressured world, many parents are struggling. Some are not sure how to equip their children, while others are indulging theirs in an effort to keep harmony. I call these parents unpaid servants and bankers.
Our young people are also facing unprecedented unstable times. My niche area is youth from 13 years to young adults in their early twenties… equipping them to develop the competitive edge and to become men and women of great character! In other words, grit and heart.
On my website, you will discover some solutions to the needs and problems facing families today:
MIOMO programme (which I founded in 2009) for youth 16 to 24 yrs
- Family coaching
- Keynote speaking
- Parenting Yadults and Making it on My Own books
- Media (TV and Radio)
Here’s to your Stronger and happier family!
Yvonne Godfrey
Yvonne is the Author of the Books
Hear Yvonne Speak
Watch Yvonne’s latest Video:
Parenting Style Traps … that Weaken your Kids and Damage Your Marriage.
Recorded at a Christian Marriage Retreat, May 2024
These short clips are from the video, ‘How to resolve conflict with your kids’.
Click HERE to purchase this 60 minute video and Yvonne’s ‘Love, Lead, Let Go’ video on developing independence.